Tag: anecdote
probability is hard to think about
so i was working on a game. the game has haystacks sometimes. if you set fire to the haystack, there’s a one in six chance that when it burns away, it turns out to contain a treasure chest! you can get some loot i implement this. much later, QA reports a bug: the chance of…
at a chip shop in scotland,
i ordered a “sausage in batter” and the woman i ordered it from gave me a look like i was the stupidest prick in the world and said “we only do them in batter”. i said “i’m just reading off the menu”. she rolled her eyes. the menu was next to us both, large backlit…
randomly remembered the time i met palmer luckey when the oculus dk2 was new. i was like, “positional tracking is super cool, but the camera is a bummer. keen for in a few years when you can do it without an external camera” he goes “no, that will never happen. it’s impossible”