Tag: unreal scoop

  • Unreal Scoop: Data-Driven CVars

    Unreal Scoop: Data-Driven CVars

    If you use UE5, you might have noticed there’s a new-ish feature called Data-Driven Console Variables, and you might also have noticed that nothing comes up when you Google this. There’s not much to it, but in the interests of having something come up when you Google this, here’s what I’ve figured out about data-driven…

  • Unreal Scoop: Making a “Compiling Shaders…” Screen

    Unreal Scoop: Making a “Compiling Shaders…” Screen

    Unreal has a reputation amoung the ill-informed for being plagued by shader compilation stutter. As an attribute of Unreal itself, this is basically made up – devs are just not always doing what they are supposed to do pre-ship to avoid this issue. I’ll elaborate, but basically, to avoid compiling shaders during gameplay, you want…